Adiba Nelson

Adiba Nelson


Adiba Nelson currently resides in Tucson, AZ with her fiancee, 6 year old daughter, and 2 teenage stepsons-to-be. When she is not advocating for disability rights, performing burlesque, or writing her monthly style column, she is busy managing social media for her local Easter Seals affiliate. She is also the author of the children's book Meet ClaraBelle Blue, and is currently working on the follow up book, ClaraBelle's Big Discovery. You can find Adiba at

Adiba Nelson Articles

I’m Becky, and I didn’t even know it. Leave it to the woman I model my hustle after to put my asshole behavior right in my face. Image: Parkwood Entertainment/screenshot.

I'm Becky With The Good Hair: That Time Beyoncé Called Me Out

In my mind, I was Beyoncé, and she was Becky. She was the one he needed to run back to. She was the one who could have his ass, because I was leaving and I wasn’t sorry about it.
Then Lemonade came out and the light bulb came on.

Credit: Conny Liegl/Flickr

If My Boyfriend Cheats, Please Don’t Tell Me

I would break girl code. And if you love me, I hope you would do it for me too.

Donuts. Tempting.

My Name Is Adiba Nelson, And I Am A Food Addict

This was how my eating disorder began. This is when I first consciously ate my emotions. THIS is when I said, “I don’t need you to love me. I don’t need to love myself. I don’t need to feel or be felt. Hear or be heard. See or be seen. I just need to eat. I just need to eat because food will never judge me. Food will never leave me (unless I make it leave me, which I did. In college. A LOT.).


Jes Baker: Cool Human, Author Of Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls

This book is real, folks. As well it should be –– it was written by one of the realest women on the planet.


Your 2016 Women's History Month Soundtrack

I think we can all agree that there is an incredible amount of power in being a woman. We run corporations, households, and our own glittery, mashed-up, sometimes-so-fucked-up-I-wanna-hide-under-a-blanket-and-never-come-out-again lives. And we do it as gracefully as we possibly can. And while we’re doing it, we have a soundtrack playing in the background.

Donald Trump... Well, that man shakes me to my core. Actually, not HIM, per se, but the people who blindly follow him. Image: Jamelle Bouie.

Trump Supporters Terrify Me

That man shakes me to my core. Actually, not HIM, per se, but the people who blindly follow him. The out-and-out bigots who will call me the N-word just as easily as they’d call their buddy “Bob.” The people who SWEAR they're not bigots, but support him because they believe in his promise of new jobs and deportations.

Y soy Latina también!

¡Yo Soy Latina!

Soy Adiba Nelson, y soy Latina también!

“Donald, I see your bigotry and raise you... wait for it... XENOPHOBIA!”

Dear Ted Cruz, Let's Talk About "Gang Activity"

So, by your reasoning, it’s safe to say that we should go into areas where one group of people are thought to be terrorizing another group of people, round up the terrorizers, and get them off the streets. OK, cool. I see your proposal, and I raise you “history."

When I tell you that we couldn’t be more different if we tried, I’m not kidding. Image: supplied.

Blending Families: Less Fun Than Blending Margaritas

How do you go from two extremely different individuals living life separately to two extremely different individuals merging their separate lives into one loving family portrait — all while avoiding a cosmic meltdown? Very, very carefully. And with a bottle of wine… or 50.

Stop and smell whatever roses you want.

2016: The Year Of Self-Care

That, my dear, is self-care 101: You must take care of yourself if you want to take care of others.
