Claire Hopple

Claire Hopple


Claire Hopple is a writer of short stories and a columnist for Maudlin House. Originally from Pittsburgh, she currently lives in Nashville with her husband. She's still waiting for someone to give her a firm answer on the Oxford comma. She will eat all of your cupcakes. Find out more at      

Claire Hopple Articles

A Festivus for the rest of us! (Image: YouTube)

People Actually Celebrate Festivus; Here's What It Looks Like

Though most associate this blessed occasion with Frank Costanza boisterously shouting “A Festivus for the rest of us!” and attempting to wrestle his own son to the ground, Festivus has an even richer history than you might imagine. The list of Festivus supporters is continually growing and the event’s practices are evolving at a rapid clip.

Dairy is good for you, but it depends, on you, and on the dairy... and no, it's not complicated at all.

Where Did We Land On Dairy Again?

Wait a sec, is consuming dairy good or bad for you? Do you cut it out when you want to get healthy, or add more in?

'Sup turkey.

Turkey Frying Mishaps & Other Thanksgiving Cautionary Tales 

If you want to burn off your hair, possibly several limbs and maybe even your entire yard, then by all means, fire up that completely frozen bird. But if you’d rather play it safe, follow these simple tips:

Image credit: Thinkstock

Socially Awkward? Here Are 10 Quirky Conversation Starters For You

Perhaps the following scenario describes you. You’re at a party and you remember that you detest small talk. You have a tinge of social anxiety.

Image Credit: Instagram (impactwrestling)

Smashing Pumpkins Frontman Delves into Professional Wrestling (And 4 Other Bizarre Things)

The year’s not over yet and already its bizarre occurrences and oddities are innumerable.

Besides creating the most multi-purpose word on the planet (aloha), this state has been top five in several polls for at least five years in a row.

9 Of The Most Consistently Happy US States

Sure, happiness is too abstract a concept to measure perfectly, and it’s safe to say that a serious case of the Mondays can find you no matter what poorly drawn boundaries you’ve planted yourself within. Still, an environment can make a significant impact on your overall mood.

Matcha is all the rage, and for good reason - it packs a healthy, energy-fused punch.

Should I Be Paying Attention To Matcha?

Yes, you should be paying attention to matcha. Though it’s been around for hundreds of years, people on this side of the world are just starting to take notice of it. Better late than never to the healthy bright green tea party, I guess.

Get outta town and into some the wild, the weird, and the downright nasty with these off-the-grid weekend getaways. (Image Credit: Instagram/campwandawega)

8 Weekend Getaway Ideas You Haven't Done Before

It’s no secret that time away from the office needs to be savored as much as humanly possible.

Some "healthy" choices are anything but.

7 'Healthy' Habits That Aren't Actually Healthy

Let’s face it, people love to throw around the word “healthy” as much as they love to sit on the couch in workout clothes.

Go see a matinee. Bonus points for buying that obscene tub of popcorn and showing it who’s boss.

The 6 Best Ways To Use Your (Almost Non-Existent) Alone Time

You more than anyone should try to carve out some space for yourself.
