Erin McKelle

Erin McKelle


Erin McKelle is a feminist blogger, social media consultant, and body positive fashionista who is currently living nomadically (i.e. traveling the world). She is originally from Cleveland, Ohio and has a BA from Ohio University. When she's not writing, you can usually find her whipping up a vegan dish in the kitchen, creating an art project, or reading a book in bed.

Erin McKelle Articles

There’s always a new deal to close, a new client to woo, or a new blog post to write.

Burnt Out? Always "On"? Here's 4 Ways To Establish A Healthy Work/Life Balance.

If you’re an entrepreneur like myself, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. No one is looking over your shoulder to see if you’re on-task, but you’re probably working 12+ hour days anyway.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

How The Self-Care Movement Impacts Our Body Image And Our Wallets 

I propose going back to basics, back to what self-care is supposed to be about. Instead of this new flashy and expensive self-care movement.

Take care of yourself.

5 Ways You Can Fight The Holiday Blues

This year I’m going into the holiday season with a self-care game plan, so that I’ll be ready when the holiday blues come around. I think that probably more people get the holiday blues than you would think, since this isn’t an issue that’s often talked about openly.

"Sometimes it is necessary to have days of doing nothing but staying in bed and taking care of you."

Productivity And Depression: A Guide

Even though I've suffered from clinical depression ever since I was 15 years old, my depressive episodes have a lot more at stake as I’ve gotten older, especially since I’m dependent on my own productivity in order to survive.

Average life events evoke extreme anxiety and deep, internal sadness that most will never understand.

10 Things People With Bipolar Disorder Want You To Know

I’m ready to demystify the stereotypes and break down the stigma of bipolar disorder.

Long distance relationships are hard, but they don't have to be doomed.

6 Things To Know If You're Considering A Long Distance Relationship

If you’re considering dating someone long distance, about to expand the geographic reach on your OKCupid profile, or just wondering what kinds of boundaries you should make in this area, here’s what you need to know about long distance love, from someone who has been there and back.

Online seduction can be so sweet...

5 Tips For Finding Love Online

We’re now living in an age where online dating is no longer taboo, which means more people are going online to pursue finding a romantic partner than ever before. I've met almost all of my dating partners through the Internet, and through the courting process, profile creation, and setting up of the first IRL date, I’ve learned a lot about how to date online.

Just thinking about having sex with someone literally made me feel nauseated. Image: Thinkstock.

I Tried Celibacy To Find Sexual Healing — But It Backfired

[CN: sexual assault] No more sex — no touching, fondling… Nada. I was done. I had a new mission: to heal.

Society would rather pretend that the word — and probably cunts themselves — don't exist. Image: Thinkstock.

Why I Think It's Important To Reclaim The Word 'C*nt'

That’s exactly the spirit that word should embody: someone who is loud, proud, and an advocate for themselves. Someone who stands out and is bold and beautiful for it. Someone who is unapologetically themselves.


Robin McGraw's Digital Innovation To Prevent Domestic Violence

Although it’s only been in the past year or so that I’ve developed a burning passion for psychology, I’ve always been fascinated by
