Kristi Pahr

Kristi Pahr


Kristi is a stay at home mom with two small boys and a very messy house. She and her family raise goats and pigs and she pretends to know something about homesteading. She went to college in the 90s and didn’t learn much, but she met her husband there, so it wasn’t a total waste of time. They were married a short time later and have spent the last 16 years trying to “settle down” and “be normal”. It’s been a huge and glorious mess. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter. Read her blog

Kristi Pahr Articles

Teach your kids to celebrate differences.

White Parents: Teaching Our Kids To Be Colorblind Isn't The Answer

“Is she Black or white?” I asked another mom who was describing a little girl in her son’s class that she thought my family might know.

The comments I get, you would not believe. (Image Credit: Kristi Pahr)

Life As A 39-Year-Old With Fully Gray Hair

I found my first gray hair when I was 12 years old. Twelve. I had gray hair before I had a period.

Oh Fraggle Rock, what a wondrous nostalgia you evoke. (Image Credit: Flickr/Cliff)

My Kids Don't Care About Fraggle Rock Or Its Anniversary & I'm A Little Sad About That

I’m not a TV person. I used to be, but not so much anymore.

Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike

Chris Cornell Is Dead; Was His Last Performance Foreshadowing?

Soundgarden was part of something bigger, something that changed everything.

image credit: Peter Hershey via Unsplash

Zen Meditation For Beginners: This Is Harder Than It Looks

I’m frazzled, y’all; I’m a mess. I’m a basketcase of anxiety and stress and I need to chill.

image credit: Thinkstock

Doing Nothing: Self-Care For The Truly Lazy 

My version of self-care is a little less “best life” and a little more “no life”, but it works for me.

Baby + lost salary = struggle (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

Raising Our Family On One Income: Chaotic But Worth It

I know how it feels to not contribute financially to the household. I know how it feels to be completely dependent on someone else for my financial stability. I know how it feels to know that if something dreadful and unthinkable happened, I’d be completely destitute. And it’s terrifying.

Building up one while breaking down the other is not the solution.

Is Empowering Girls Devaluing Our Boys?

As a mother of boys, I find this trend disturbing. Yes, we need to build up our girls. We need to empower them and teach them that they are capable and viable and powerful — that they are smart and that they matter. But we cannot devalue our boys in the process.

Too many victims, too much complicity.

True Stories Of Sexual Assault

These women are from all over the world. They are from different socioeconomic brackets. Their assaults took place during different times over the last 35 years. The victims are completely different, but the stories are all so similar. Victims of assault, rape, harassment, coming forward, being brave and telling the truth, and being stigmatized, ostracized, blamed, ignored, ridiculed. People they love, people they trust, people whose job it is to protect them, blaming them for their assault. It’s common. Almost expected. That women are assaulted, harassed by men, is a given in our culture. That women are blamed is standard procedure. Is it really any wonder that the majority of sexual assaults go unreported? Is it really shocking that a woman would want to save herself additional trauma?

On proving that determination can show up at any age. (Image credit: Kristi Pahr)

I Climbed A Mother Effing Mountain

I’m lazy as hell, you guys. I know it’s true and I’m not particularly ashamed.
