
Christina Adams (courtesy of the author)

Stop Calling Me Mom 

Year after year, I’ve been erased. I have no name. I’m just Mom. People I don't know and didn't birth or adopt have called me Mom almost every day for 20 years. Read...
Halloween is my favorite time of year, and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I’m autistic.

I'm Autistic, And Halloween Is My Favorite Time Of Year

Halloween can be an autistic person’s worst nightmare with the sensory overload. Yet, I'm autistic and Halloween is my favorite time of year.

I did what anyone does when they think they might have something, but they’re not quite sure: I Googled “women autism symptoms.”

Like A Diamond: What It's Like To Live With Autism As A Woman

I did what anyone does when they think they might have something, but they’re not quite sure: I Googled “women autism symptoms.”

5. Are you taking care of yourself?

Frequently Asked Questions About My Neurodivergent Kid That Shouldn't Be Asked So Frequently

Every time I complain about the difficulty of parenting, whether the child is neurodivergent or absolutely 100% neurotypical, someone drops in my mentions to tell me either A. Children are a blessed gift from heaven that should never be taken for granted or (even less helpful) B. UR DOING IT WRONG.

Growing up I thought autism was just for folks like Rain Man.

How Walk-It-Off Culture Delayed My Autism Diagnosis  

Growing up I thought autism was just for folks like Rain Man, but my friends helped me realize that autism is a spectrum.


Growing Up With Autism And ADHD, I Had To Adapt My Own Education

The education system isn’t designed for students like me. From as early as preschool up through my master’s degree, I struggled in a traditional classroom setting for a few reasons, and needed to adapt my own methods of surviving education.


Growing Up With Autism And ADHD, I Had To Adapt My Own Education

The education system isn’t designed for students like me. From as early as preschool up through my master’s degree, I struggled in a traditional classroom setting for a few reasons, and needed to adapt my own methods of surviving education.

I am proud of the fact that I pushed and continued to push for her autism evaluation, as this is where all the validation in the world has erased the sting of judgment from strangers.

Things Well-Meaning Adults Say To My Autistic Child

People should stop assuming things about my autistic child.
