
Anticipation is part of the reason why sex is so hot at the beginning of relationships, so building it back in helps to get your sex life back on track.

How To Get Your Sex Life Back On Track

Anticipation is part of the reason why sex is so hot at the beginning of relationships, so building it back in helps to get your sex life back on track.

Being a sex addict with Asperger’s might sound pretty out there. But it’s not that unusual, especially for women.

I'm At The End Of The Line With My Sex Addiction

Being a sex addict with Asperger’s might sound out there. But it’s not that unusual, especially for women. I'm at the end of the line with my sex addiction.

(Artwork: Tess Emily Rodriguez)

Ask Erin: I'm Afraid I Am Frigid

I'm afraid that I am frigid. I spent a decade making excuses and convincing myself that things with the next guy would be better.

Ask Erin: Help! I have no libido.

Ask Erin: Help! I Have No Libido

Help! I am a 27-year-old woman. I'm in a great relationship with a man who loves me, but I never want to have sex. I have no libido.

We need to stop treating the birth of children and its visible marks on the women who made them as antithetical to the sex that produced those children.

On The Pressure To Have Sex And Be Sexy After Motherhood

Feeling sexy in a body my culture deems unsexy, while also believing that body should dutifully service someone else’s pleasure doesn’t make me want to slip on a silk teddy and give it the old college try.

There are so many (too many?) options when it comes to fulfilling different needs and desires in the bedroom. Image: Chelsea Yarger/Pixabay.

Don't Let Different Sex Drives Kill Your Relationship

One of you wants more sex, and the other probably hasn’t realized there was a problem. They’re not interested in more sex, or maybe they’re not interested in sex in general. But it’s a conversation that needs to happen.

Sometimes I love sex. Other times, though, I feel too trapped in my own head to do anything sexual at all. Image: Thinkstock.

How My Anxiety Disorder Influences My Sex Life

As soon as I hit puberty, I was fascinated by sex.... As I’ve gotten older (and actually had sex), my relationship with the act has shifted. Most of this has been the result of my not only coming to terms with my body and what it does and doesn’t like, but coming to terms with another part of my existence: my anxiety disorder.

Credit: Thinkstock

Am I A Sex Addict?

I have slept with three men in one day—one 24-hour period. While that may seem a lot to many, I saw that as only a few. I could've done more . . .
