No Cate

No, Russia Did Not Kill the Guy Who Messed up the Olympic Rings: How to Avoid Being Duped Online

Did you hear that the man responsible for the Olympic ring malfunction at the opening ceremony was found stabbed to death?


Flummoxed by Fashion? Here's Your Style Cheat Sheet

Entranced by frocks displayed at Fashion Week, but confused about what they


Why Norway Crushes the Winter Olympics

Norway is indisputably the Winter Olympics


Gimme an L-A-W-S-U-I-T! Two Raiders Cheerleaders Claim to Earn Less than Minimum Wage

Turns out team enthusiasm on the field was masking disgruntlement behind the scenes for at least two Oakland Raiders cheerleaders.


US, Russian Ambassadors Get Feisty in Pussy Riot Tweet-off

Everyone likes a good Twitter war—and what could be more timely and relevant than one about Pussy Riot? Add the fact that the war was between U.S.


Take that, Olympic Judges: Remembering Surya Bonaly's Badass Figure Skating

Figure skating judges are into: 19th century Slavic folk music, frou-frou princess outfits, poetic dancing, dignified twirls.


Science Says: Risque K-Pop Dance Moves Melt Brains of South Korean Men

South Korea has never been known for its free love, but the country recently revealed its uber conservative underbelly when a collection of 


Is Western Media a Bunch of Bullying Bastards?

There are no shortage of news stories on the corruption, security peril, and ineptitude of Russia as it hosts the Olympics.
