
Black people’s hair is too tense for White America to EVER be comfortable. Image: Thinkstock.

3 Reasons I Won't Apologize For My Black-Girl Hair

Black hair, like Black identity, is diverse and nuanced, but it still stands out as different from White hair. The point is not that all Black hair needs to look the same, but that we share the experience of feeling pressure to alter our appearance, to present a version of ourselves solely to satisfy the White gaze. When we truly own our bodies —the fat, skinny, scarred, hairy, melanated, unconventional bodies we walk around in — they will no longer be things to defend or hide or alter.

Credit: Thinkstock

Everybody Spanks: The Dangerous Ignorance Of The UK's Sex Act Censorship  

Making (consensual) spanking illegal to depict in porn doesn't arrest the demand for it. Viewers will still want it. A lot of them will still want it.


I Represent Sex Workers Because Sex Work Is Work And Sex Workers Are People

The myth of the common "Sex Worker Experience" is silly and inauthentic.


I Represent Sex Workers Because Sex Work Is Work And Sex Workers Are People

The myth of the common "Sex Worker Experience" is silly and inauthentic.
