
Weird Sex Problem of the Day: Coital Cephalgial

Orgasms that cause headaches? No thank you!


Watch: Putin-Approved Exercise Routine Fit for a President

Jimmy Kimmel capitalizes on world tensions and Obama’s recent workout video leak to provide a fitness regimen straight from Mother Russia.


Kicking 'Em While They're Down: Check Out these Cross-Fit Fails

Exercise is great for the body . . . until it isn’t.


The Proof is 4 Million Strong: Exercise Can Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer!

News flash from France: Exercise is good for the boobs!


Skinny Fat: It's a Thing

Congratulations, we have another thing to worry about. Kids, welcome to "skinny fat."


Workout Wisdom: How Your Tunes Affect Your Tush

We all know it, we’ve all done it — that song comes on mid-run, jump, push or lift and suddenly you’ve got that extra ‘umph you need to finish stro
