Sarah Gladstone

Sarah Gladstone


Writer, reader, general fan of all forms of honest storytelling. Optimistic realist, packaged like a pessimist. Strong believer in real world magic, intersectionality, and exploring gender and stories of mixed race identity. Supporter of public libraries, breakfast for dinner, and denim-on-denim. 

Sarah Gladstone Articles

Shia LaBeouf: "I'm Not Famous Anymore"

Film festivals are the Fashion Week of the movie world – where the filmmakers congregate to present their art and where the hype and rumors are bor


Not Angry, Just Fed Up: Laverne Cox On the Angry Black Woman Stereotype

Being an "Angry Black Woman" is a catch-22: the more you fight the label, the more people want to stamp you with an ABW crimson mark

"I didn’t have to choose, and one didn’t cancel out the other."

I Didn't Always Know I Was Allowed To Be Queer

I didn’t realize I could like girls and boys. I didn’t have to choose, and one didn’t cancel out the other. Around the same time I attended my first GSA meeting, I did wonder, maybe I’m not straight? Maybe I’m gay?


Glamour Magazine Names Lupita Nyong'o "Woman Of The Year," Beauty And Race Collide (Again)

The acknowledgment of Lupita’s elegance begins a process to alleviate any future need to add "for a . . . " to the end of “You’re beautiful.”


New Peter Pan Movie "Racebends" Princess Tiger Lily, Casts Caucasian Poster-child Rooney Mara

Last we checked, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was not Native American.


Keep that Smartphone Away from Your Brain (and Other Useful Body Parts)

If there’s even a chance that smartphones are connected to cancer why the fuck do we keep using them?


GOP, If You Want The Millennial Vote, this Is Not The Way to Get it

Hey GOP, you can't capture millennial votes with silly stereotypes. You'll have to be more creative than that.


New York Implements 'Good to Go" Campaign, Coffee Will Never Be the Same

What if there was something just as easy, just as reliable and convenient as those disposable to-go cups but totally eliminated the waste? Nope, it's not a hippie's LSD-induced fever dream. It's just some clever entreprenuers from Brooklyn...


Science Is Sweet: Nerd out on these Visual Images of Sound

Want to see sound? Check out this NPR video to see just how magical science can be.
