
Women in Comedy: Underrated, Undervalued, Under-appreciated

Comedy is about taking the woes of life and laughing at them—and emotions are genderless.


Scientific Proof That Women Are Funny

Every argument about women not being funny can be easily debunked.


Scientific Proof That Women Are Funny

Every argument about women not being funny can be easily debunked.


Women Can be Sexy and Funny

Sexiness is a significant roadblock in women being taken seriously as funny.


Women Can be Sexy and Funny

Sexiness is a significant roadblock in women being taken seriously as funny.


The Enduring Myth that 'Lady-Like' Means You Can't Do Humor 

At the heart of this issue is that what we've culturally deemed to be "feminine" is at odds with how funny works.


The Enduring Myth that 'Lady-Like' Means You Can't Do Humor 

At the heart of this issue is that what we've culturally deemed to be "feminine" is at odds with how funny works.


A Woman Just Won Math’s Highest Prize for the First Time

Told as a child that she wasn’t talented at math, Maryam Mirzakhani just made history.
