To the individuals, families and communities affected by the tragedy in Orlando: the pain and fear you feel right now is real. Image: Thinkstock.

Becoming Bride: On Orlando, Hatred, And Privilege

Hate hurts us all, but we don’t all receive it with the same systemic intensity. Those of us with the privilege to do so need to push against the borders of what is “permissible” in this society. We need challenge the idea of “normal” — rather than conform to it — so that all of us can live more closely to our truths.

His hatred of all things pleasure-based is no surprise to anybody. Image: "ted cruz is smug" by Jamelle Boule/Flickr. CC BY 2.0

7 Sex Positions Ted Cruz Will HATE (But You'll LOVE!)

We're not saying you need an excuse to have wild, crazy, satisfying and fully consensual sex... But if you did, what could be better motivation than to piss Ted Cruz (and his ultra-Conservative cronies) right the fuck off?
