Joanna Schroeder

Joanna Schroeder


Joanna Schroeder is the type of working mom who opens her car door and junk spills out all over the ground. She serves as Executive Editor of The Good Men Project and is a freelance writer whose work has appeared on sites like Redbook, Yahoo!, xoJane,,, and more. Joanna loves playing with her sons, skateboarding with her husband, and hanging out with friends. She just finished her first novel. Follow her shenanigans on Twitter.

Joanna Schroeder Articles

DCSuperhero Girls. Image: DC

5 Reasons I'm Obsessed With DC Superhero Girls

The biggest news in feminist parenting lately has been about portrayals of powerful girls and women. Mattel’s new partnership with DC Comics is a big step forward in this, creating a new set of dolls and action figures that feature the female characters in the classic DC comics stories.

The short answer: Yes.

Should You Wear Yoga Pants?: The Definitive Checklist

There are a lot of women out there right now who think yoga pants are great everyday wear, even when they’re not working out. There are probably also just as many people who think that women wear yoga pants entirely too much, and that they're inappropriate.

Credit: Thinkstock

10 Reasons Christmas Makes Me Love My Husband Even More

No, it’s not the presents. It’s all the little things.

His hatred of all things pleasure-based is no surprise to anybody. Image: "ted cruz is smug" by Jamelle Boule/Flickr. CC BY 2.0

7 Sex Positions Ted Cruz Will HATE (But You'll LOVE!)

We're not saying you need an excuse to have wild, crazy, satisfying and fully consensual sex... But if you did, what could be better motivation than to piss Ted Cruz (and his ultra-Conservative cronies) right the fuck off?

Credit: Flickr/Nadine Heidrich

5 Things I Had To Learn In Order To Love My Nice Guy

If you've had drama in past relationships, you may feel uncomfortable in a healthy relationship with a nice guy. Here's how to change that.

If our kids hear us excusing rape or sexual assault in any way, they will internalize that message. Image: Krewr Studio/Pexels.

6 Ways We (Accidentally) Teach Our Kids Rape Culture

As moms and dads, we probably don’t talk directly about rape to kids, at least not until they’re older. But we’re still sending messages about sex and consent all the time. Because of that, we need to make sure we’re not teaching them some very dangerous lessons, even if just by accident.

Betcha this dog is pretty happy about not dieting, too.

Why I Stopped Dieting And I Couldn't Be Happier

As I grew older, I came to rely upon dieting as a way to ease my anxiety and feel in control. I was no longer in a cycle of eating too little or body dysmorphia, but controlling my food intake made me feel less invisible in a sea of girls where I felt like I'd disappear. It was almost a form of self-medication, to know that I could go on a diet and lose a few pounds.


8 Things You Must Never Do When Raising Boys

Even the most well-intentioned parents sometimes make mistakes in how they raise their kids.


Why Your Son Being Friends With A Girl Should Be NBD

Few things are cuter than the sight of your little boy holding hands with a little girl in his kindergarten classroom, or watching as your daughter puts her arm around a little boy from her tee-ball team. At that moment, parents often assume that what they’re witnessing is young love, even if their child has never had a crush and is just expressing affection. While it may be tempting to call your child’s friend a girlfriend or boyfriend, or to tease them about having a crush, here are seven important reasons to resist.
