body image

Kat Engh & Nina Asay: Fashion Bloggers

instagram queens. style inspirations. body positivity promoters.


Thanks, Sports Illustrated, For Giving Women Another Body Part To Hate

Thighs that don't touch. Boobs that don't sag. Arms that don't flab. Necks that don't wrinkle.

Credit: Thinkstock

Ravishly's Top 5 Reads Of The Week

Body image, BDSM, Zumba, and polyamory. Just another week at Ravishly . . .

Credit: Thinkstock

I'm A Feminist Who's Flattered By Catcalling

What kind of feminist must I be if I feel complimented by street harassment?

Simply put, I fear that my appearance is valued more highly than anything else I posses as this token pretty girl.

The Trials And Tribulations Of A Token Pretty Girl

Let me be clear: compliments are nice. Simply put, I fear that my appearance is valued more highly than anything else I posses as this token pretty girl.

Chloe Jennings-White, a woman suffering from BIID, chooses to live as a disabled person and wants to be permanently paralyzed. (Credit:

Strange But True: There's A Disorder Where You Want To Become An Amputee

Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a rare psychological anomaly, affects about 1,500 people who believe they are not "whole" with all of their limbs intact.

If you need me, I'll be eating this because I'm awesome and I want it. Credit: Thinkstock

Just Say "No" To National Comfort Food Day

This is not a holiday that warrants celebration.

Here are my top fat sex tips!

Fat Sex: What Everyone Wants To Know But Is Afraid To Ask

I’m a fat woman who has had lots and lots of awesome fat sex almost exclusively with partners much smaller than myself. Here are my top fat sex tips!
