Ravishly Staff

Ravishly Staff


Ravishly Staff Articles

Photo by Sylvie Rosokoff

STRUNG OUT: A First Look At Ask Erin's Much Anticipated Memoir

Ravishly presents an exclusive look at the cover and excerpt from of Strung Out, our very own Erin Khar's inspiring and enlightening memoir.

Credit: ThinkStock

Ravishly's Top 5 Reads Of The Week

Left Shark musings, an analysis of "plus-size," and why women should pop the question . . . among other treasures. You know what to do. Ravish it.


April Wallpaper Freebies: Mother Earth & 4/20 Festivities!

Happy April! This month, we have Earth Day AND 4/20 — the perfect chance to celebrate both nature and one of our favorite herbal gifts from her! Here are the free wallpapers for this month, which you can find and download on Dropbox.

 Click here to fetch yourself a lovely Mother Earth, and click here for some ganja goodness. We've got them made in just about every dimension imagineable, so there's definitely something for everyone! 

Image removed.


Win Free Tickets To Oregon's What The Festival

What The Festival, an annual gathering in the woods of Oregon's Wolf Run Ranch about 90 miles outside Por


Ravish Me This . . . Top 5 Reads Of The Week

This week, Ravishly was all about the nudity.


Get Your Free (And Festive!) November Wallpaper

Happy November! Halloween has come and gone, and while some people jump right into Christmas, we here at Ravishly have a deep love for any holiday involving large quantities of food


Inside Harvard's Sexist History

From its origins, Harvard was a university for men, by men, and of men.


Witchcraft 101: A Wonderfully Witchy #RavChat Round-Up

We took to Twitter with a “Witchcraft 101” chat to introduce our readers to some awesome real-life witches and talk about ways to make everyday life a little more magical.

Tom Ford (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

LGBT News Round-Up

Tom Ford, Oprah and Michael Sam are making headlines in the LGBT community.

Credit: Thinkstock

Ravishly's Top 5 Reads Of The Week

Ghostbusters, Mormons, and orgasms. Just another week at Ravishly . . .
