
Why Did I Wait So Long To See A Psychiatrist? And At What Cost?

Because crazy is not a thing anyone wants, a lot of folks don’t seek diagnosis — which means a lot of folks go untreated.

Photo by Mike Wilson on Unsplash

What I Wish People Understood About Living With PTSD

PTSD: Imagine living the worst moment of your life over and over again.


Daphne Willis On Her Moving Mental Health Ballad, "Somebody's Someone"

I normally go through PR music tracks as I work, listening while I type up an email or proofread a piece.

By applying your hair masque, or rubbing cocoa butter on your shins, you’re at least subconsciously admitting that there is going to be another day.

How The World Of Beauty Helps Me Cope With My Depression

Aside from knitting and prescribed medications, beauty products are the thing that helps me out the most during a bout of depression. Sound crazy? Read on.

Adrian Herrera of Victor Herrera Photographers

Why I Didn't Try To Lose Weight For My Wedding

To take care of myself in the months preceding my wedding I had to make a conscious effort to not dive into dieting. Wedding weight loss was off the list of things for me to do, or to even attempt.

When we feel trapped, when we feel paralyzed by our circumstances, we can start to feel like we are receding so far into the background of life, that we may cease to exist.

Ask Erin: Should I Get Back With My Abusive Ex For Financial Reasons?

She’s made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to… Ask Erin is a weekly advice column, in which Erin answers your burning questions about anything at all.

Social media is a great place to share our accomplishments, but it’s an equally valuable place to share our struggles.

When You Suffer On Social Media

The benefit of posting honestly about our struggles and depression on social media.

Sometimes, I have to stop and cry and wail and moan for a weekend, but then I get back up.

I Get Depressed Every Summer. This Year, I Decided To Find Out Why.

I don’t want to spend another summer waiting for winter. It took years to realize this, and even more years to act on it. This is the work of healing that no one mentions: you have to find the wounds you didn’t know you had.
