
It might seem frivolous to those who feel right at home being called "mom" or "dad," but many queer parents agonize over what their children will call them.

Not All Parents Are "Mom" Or "Dad" 

While it might seem frivolous to those who feel right at home in the titles "mom" or "dad," many queer parents agonize over what they want their children to call them.

Photo courtesy of the author.

I’m Genderfluid And Here’s What I’d Like You To Know

Engaging with a genderfluid person on a deeper level than appearance will mean so much more to them and help them feel accepted and seen.

Photo by on Unsplash

Gender Isn’t Binary In The Animal World, Either

Gender isn’t binary with humans... we as humans need to remain aware that the traditional boy and girl labels are declining.

Our society may not yet be post-gender, but our home can easily be.

Because “I’m A Human”: Non-Binary Parenting

I’ve been catapulted from gender-neutral parenting to a call to action to break down the gender binary altogether and move to non-binary parenting.

This is why I’m done “proving” my identity to the nay-sayers.

I'm Done Trying To "Prove" My Non-Binary Identity

Masculinity always felt like a pair of shoes that didn’t fit quite right.


PCOS And The Pressure To Perform Womanhood — Even If You Aren't A Woman

I stand in the bathroom for six hours.


PCOS And The Pressure To Perform Womanhood — Even If You Aren't A Woman

I stand in the bathroom for six hours.

"What can I do to keep my fear from tearing us down?"

Ask Erin: Help! My Trans Partner’s Desire To Be Male Terrifies Me 

She’s made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to…Ask Erin is a weekly advice column, in which Erin answers your burning questions about anything at all.
