
Time Management As Self-Care: Domme The Clock

With all of the anxiety and potential for a spiral of bad things that could happen, learning how to stay on top of your responsibilities can be the key to preventing the downward spiral. Time management can be an essential part of mental health and maintaining professionalism in a competitive environment full of triggers for us tenderhearts.


You Have A Partner, So Why Are You Still Doing So Much Of The Work?

This labor, the work of being a female, has been our work so long that no one really knows what a truly equally yoked household looks like.

Working from home means your self-care might look a bit different from that employed by folks who work outside the home, but it definitely doesn’t mean you should forgo self-care altogether. Image: Thinkstock.

5 Ways To Practice Self-Care When You Work From Home

For many people — myself included — working from home is a dream. But it’s not all sunshine and daisies. Work is work, and work can be difficult sometimes.

Joking about a kid who doesn’t nap is one thing, but I am back from the front lines to tell you that when you’re living it, it is no laughing matter. Image: Thinkstock.

7 Things I Learned From Raising A Kid Who Doesn't Nap

“Sleep when the baby sleeps” is the cruelest thing you can say to a new parent. It sounds oh-so-simple, doesn’t it? Just like my sleep advice sounded all those years ago, before I knew the harsh reality of parenting. It’s impossible to sleep when the baby sleeps if the baby is only down for 10 minutes at a time!

You matter and your happiness matters. Image: Thinkstock.

Why You Shouldn't Neglect Physical Self-Care

Take everything personally and think the worst of any situation? Overwhelmed with your job or at school? Say self-deprecating things about yourself, or think the same of other people? If you can relate to any of this, it’s a sure sign you need to take better care of yourself, because happiness and healing truly comes from within.

Black women led all women in the nation in the number of business startups and in revenue growth. Image: WOCinTech Chat.

African-American Women Now Top The List Of Most-Educated Groups In The Country

A new study finds that African-American women achieve the highest outcomes of any demographic by race and gender.

When my child is hungry, there is no option but to feed him. Image: Thinkstock.

The Idea Of 'Me-ternity' Leave Isn't Just Insulting — It's Detrimental

In the nearly six months since I welcomed my first child, I haven’t slept more than five consecutive hours. So excuse my audible groan upon hearing of Meghann Foye’s call for “meternity leave.”


The Real Takeaway From "Meternity Leave"

She almost makes a good point, but it’s lost among the WTF of her not realizing that babies need more care than dumped friends. That we have reached a point where caring for children is the ONLY excuse for walking away from work for a few hours shows a screwed up attitude toward work. Not to mention that employers pay too little to allow people the flexibility to take breaks to recharge.
