Rebekah Kuschmider

Rebekah Kuschmider


Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Babble, Scary Mommy, Huffington Post, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor to the upcoming book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox (an anthology, SheWrites Press, Nov. 2015). You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rebekah Kuschmider Articles

image courtesy of WeRateDogs Twiiter account

It’s National Dog Day: Celebrate With 5 Perfect Puppers

Anyone who has ever lived with a dog knows the joy of having your best friend greet you at the door every time you come home. Or return from getting the mail. Or walk out of the shower.

Do elephants need Botox?

Ask A Feminist: Can I Be A Feminist If I Use Botox?

. . . dabbling in botulinum toxin is not an anti-feminist act. However . . . and this is a big however . . . it is a symptom of a system that values appearances in a pretty screwed-up way.


Kylie Jenner Wants You To Put Makeup On Your Ears

The Daily Mail did the hard work of tracking down prices for the various products Kylie has on her face — and ears — and the retail cost of using them would be $500.

Hold onto your hats, ladies & gents. Because the sheer ubiquity of spiders is staggering.

#RavsRadar: How Many Spiders Are Alive & Well In The World Today? WAY TOO MANY

We interrupt this dumpster fire that is the United States of America in 2017 to bring you what is probably the most horrifying news in the history

Not pictured: Sarandon, for the sake of my blood pressure.

Susan Sarandon And The World's Oldest Wombat

I want to know how much yoga a person would have to do to be able to vote with their vagina. And kegels. Sooooo many kegels.

Image: People's World/Flickr

Unsafe Abortions Are Anything But History — Just Ask Google

I know a woman who worked in an inner-city hospital before the passage of Roe v Wade. Every week, staff there saw women come in battling massive infection or blood loss. They actually reserved beds for women like this because it was so common. The cause? Illegal, unsafe abortions. But that was then, right? That was 42 years ago, right? That doesn’t happen anymore, right? Wrong.


Dora The Explorer Is Being Sued For Vaping

In an exceedingly weird story, parents of an unnamed 14 year old girl filed suit against Avenues: The World School, a private school in New York City, after their daughter was caught vaping in the bathroom with Fatima Ptacek, the voice of Dora.


Breast Cancer Detection: Feel Yourself Up On The Regular

It’s October, and everything is about to go pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. That means we all get our annual reminder to be aware of our own breast tissue and all the ways we can take care of it.
