Rebekah Kuschmider

Rebekah Kuschmider


Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Babble, Scary Mommy, Huffington Post, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor to the upcoming book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox (an anthology, SheWrites Press, Nov. 2015). You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Rebekah Kuschmider Articles

Every story we tell is more evidence that access to healthcare for ordinary Americans is more valuable than any package of tax cuts for millionaires. (Image Credit: Flickr/LaDawna Howard)

Opposition To The Senate Health Bill Delays The Vote. Viva La Resistance!

Some of Republican senators' discomfort with voting for their health bill is due to groups of frantic activists who have been pummeling the Senate phone lines, showing up at Senate offices, and even staging a “People’s Filibuster” by rallying on the steps of the Capitol. All of them are begging their elected officials to represent the interests of the sick and the poor, not just the rich and powerful.

Image: The New York TImes

Sweepee Wins World's Ugliest Dog Contest — And Our Undying Love

Most dog owners will go on at length about how cute their dogs are. Not so, Jason Wurtz of Encinco, CA. Mr. Wurtz, in fact, went the polar opposite route by leading his dog to victory in the 2016 World’s Ugliest Dog contest.


Missouri To Require Consent Of Both Parents For Teens Seeking An Abortion

No mention is made of what happens should a teen be estranged from one parent, should a teen be in a single-parent family, if there are geographic distances between a teen and a parent, and did I mention that abortions are nobody’s beeswax? Yeah.


Is George H.W. Bush REALLY Voting for Clinton?

Last night, there was a minor disturbance in the political force when Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, former Lieutenant Gove


Sarah Palin: "Bill Nye Is As Much A Scientist As I Am"

As Americans, we all believe staunchly in freedom of speech. That fundamental concept in the American experiment has led to artistic masterworks like A Streetcar Named Desire, world-changing orators like Martin Luther King Jr, and entirely problematic stuff like everything that comes out of Sarah Palin’s mouth.

It’s long past time that we turn our attention to leveling the playing field for Black women and girls.

Introducing The Congressional Caucus On Black Women And Girls

This is no small thing. The institutional barriers to achievement faced by Black women are staggering: African American women earn only 64% of what white men earn, and they earn only 91% of what Black men earn. African American women held 8.58% of the bachelor’s degrees held by women in 2012, though they constituted 12.7% of the female population. The poverty rate for African American women is 28.6%. In comparison, the poverty rate of white, non-Hispanic women is 10.8%.

The moral of the story is that a broken arm is actually an emergency, and feel free to take your kid to the emergency room.

Today's WTF Regarding Health Care In America

Today, our journey ‘round the news has us revisiting the notion of health care delivery systems and their costs. We’ll be dealing with the economic principles of demand elasticity and market issues around non-transparent pricing. We’ll also hear a story about a Congressman who let his kid spend a night with an untreated broken arm because the emergency room seemed expensive.

They were probably all thinking that winning the game would be good, but just playing outdoors with friends and colleagues on a summer morning was pretty damn fun in and of itself. And then someone opened fire. (Image Credit: Flickr/repmobrooks)

Gun Violence Puts Congressional Baseball Game In Jeopardy

The Congressional baseball game has been happening for over 100 years. It is a highlight of summer among Beltway folks. And during this morning's practice, some fuckwit opened fire. And he shot people who could have been my husband, or any of his bosses, or any of his coworkers, or any of our myriad friends on the Hill. And I am shattered.


Ted Cruz And The War On Dildos

Oh Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz. The Senator from Texas has been working hard this campaign season to shore up his conservative bona fides, including a memoir that talks about some of his more notable cases from when he was Solicitor General for Texas. But he skips a really interesting — nay — prurient case involving the legality of selling and using sex toys. Mother Jones ran a detailed analysis of it today and woo boy, is the internet going nuts!
