
I knew him. I trusted him. He did not rape me…or did he?!

Is It Rape If...

He was my junior year prom date, and we had done countless plays together in drama class. I knew him. I trusted him. He did not rape me…or did he?! I knew him. I trusted him. He did not rape me…or did he?!

A story of friendship.

How A Muslim Mom & A Christian Retired Teacher Found Friendship Amidst Bigotry

This story of two strangers at a park reminds us of the value in human kindness and friendship. Friendship amidst bigotry.

Please stop approaching women at gas stations!

Dear Men: Please Stop Approaching Women At Gas Stations

Whether they realize it or not, men’s entitlement by approaching women to comment on their bodies in public spaces is a perpetuation of rape culture.

Google, Facebook, and Microsoft basically Silicon Valley committed what must be an unforgivable act of corporate greed —defending a website selling underage sex.

Silicon Valley Defended A Website Selling Underage Sex

Silicon Valley companies defending sex trafficking has made me question if good people — or even baseline-human people — actually exist anymore.

The Garment Project

The Garment Project Helps Dress Women In Eating Disorder Recovery

The Garment Project aims to support women in eating disorder recovery by providing them with size-less clothing styled to their tastes and needs.

He assaulted me, and my prevailing feeling was shame.

Why Did My Sexual Assault Cause Shame?

He violated me and robbed me of an innocence I would never recover. He did this to me. Why did my sexual assault cause shame?

As a vegan, I do my best to live my life so that I cause the least amount of harm to animals.

10 Questions You've Always Wanted To Ask A Vegan

I am usually introduced to people as “the vegan.” I get it. Vegan is the new “it” word and now you are actually meeting one.

My work at Planned Parenthood can be exhausting, and stressful, but I love it more every day.

Why I Work At Planned Parenthood

My work at Planned Parenthood can be exhausting, and stressful, but I love it more every day. We are providing necessary care and a safe space.
