


Anonymous Articles

What My Son's Stay In A Psychiatric Hospital Taught Me About Resilience

When I left the hospital the night that he was admitted, I sat in the parking lot gasping with big ugly sobs and looking for someone to blame — beginning with myself. I'm his mother, and I'm the only consistent parent he's ever had. As I finally made my way home, with tears streaming down my face and my mouth open in a silent scream of pain, all I could ask myself was "what have I done?" How could I have allowed my son to be hurt so deeply, and in so many ways?

I never imagined myself being anyone’s wife so I grieved for my single life when I got married.

Why I Grieved For My Single Life When I Got Married

I never imagined myself being anyone’s wife so I grieved for my single life when I got married. I began to secretly long for the life I’d left behind.


How Tarot Cards Saved My Life

I start each day by drawing two cards for guidance, and then further consulting the deck. Last fall, tarot cards saved my life.

Image: Maddy Sutherland Illustration (Instagram: @maddy.sutherland)

Are People You Meet On The Internet Really More Dangerous Than In Real Life?

What's more dangerous — meeting people on the Internet or meeting people in real life?


Confession: I Defied The Cuban Embargo

Despite our fear of getting caught, the richness of experience, the beauty of the land, and the generosity of the Cuban people made the risk more than worthwhile.


I Can Smoke Pot Legally & Safely, But I Won't Forget The People Who Still Can't

I often think about the people in my hometown whose lives were ruined because they live in the “wrong” state. That same stigma causes me to feel horrible after I smoke.

I didn’t even realize the power I had given to your legacy until yesterday, when I read the letter of Brock Turner’s victim... Image: Joe Gardner/Unsplash.

I'm 35 And Today Is The Day I Realized I Was Raped

For more than 20 years, I believed I was a slut. A shameful, vile, one-time slut, but a slut all the same. It was you, Mr White Canterbury shorts, that led me to believe this. But, since reading the letter from Brock Turner’s victim, I realized, what you did, Mr White Canterbury Shorts, was in fact rape.


Confession: My Fear Of Being Thought A Racist Led To A Black Eye

"The biggest boy assured me they would be. But the ball play got even more intense. Were they aiming the ball at my kids or was it just my imagination?"

 Behind the scenes of an Adventure Studios shoot, the cameraman helps a starlet into her negligee.

Confession: I Was An Accidental "Fluffer" On A Porn Set

How is it possible to be an accidental fluffer on a porn set? The first time I realized I was a fluffer by default was during a gig at Adventure Studios.

Sex that isn't consensual is not consensual, whether your married or not.

Is It Sexual Assault If You're Married?

It never felt like sexual assault, him taking the sex I didn’t offer. It felt more like a silent agreement. I surrendered to sex; he didn’t complain.
