Jess Lahitou

Jess Lahitou


Jess is a literature lover, former teacher, new(ish) mother, and politics junkie. Currently in Miami, this Colorado native is embracing the culture shock. Art Basel? Wynwood? Ropa Vieja? Yes, please.

Jess Lahitou Articles

Democratic Debate: Winners And Losers

The five 2016 Democratic candidates for President met in Las Vegas for their first debate last night, and this writer’s prediction is that the field will be down to three for the next matchup. (Barring Joe Biden’s entry into the race, which remains a distant possibility).

Besides a cough, Clinton seems to be doing just fine. (Image Credit: Flickr/Gage Skidmore)

Hillary Clinton Health Crisis: Not Much To See, Folks

Both Clinton and Trump should be more forthcoming about their physical health, but the controversy surrounding Clinton's fitness for office looks largely media-driven.

An early look at just how bad (or not) some of Trump's nominees are so far.

Trump's Cabinet Pie Chart Analysis: Who Is Most Likely To Wreak Havoc?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that Democrats and Republicans aren’t getting along so well these days.


Trump Wins Big At The Polls, All While His 'University' Goes To Trial For Fraud

Yesterday was a smashing success for Donald Trump in the Presidential Primary. Of the five voting states – Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island, & Pennsylvania – Trump won all five, with his biggest non-NY margins yet. I

 Alanis Morissette. Image: Wikimedia Commons.

We've Got Your '90s Music For The Autumn Lover Here!

Millennials know the '90s were the best decade for music in our lifetime (arguably, best decade EVER). But it’s easy to forget just how many un-freakin-believably kick-butt-love tunes were packed into that 10 years. Let’s rehash the '90s for the autumn lover.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I Protested Donald Trump By Myself (With A Baby) 

I should begin by clarifying that I am no political reactionary.

Pharmaceutical companies, like tobacco companies, are in the business of making a profit.

Big Pharma & Big Tobacco: A Tale Of Two Deadly Scandals

Is there a difference between what the cigs biz did back in the 1950s and ‘60s and the way present-day pharmaceutical companies have aggressively marketed opioids like OxyContin?

Photo credit: Flickr

Prepare The Barf Bags: Donald Trump Is Pretty Much The Republican Nominee

Throughout this long and increasingly nightmarish primary season, an argument emerged from Republican candidates who were routinely getting their butts handed to them by Donald Trump.

The kids who often need more help and guardrails to ensure effective learning are also the ones who suffer the most from ubiquitous tech in the classroom.

Technology In The Classroom: A Threat To Students' Learning & Their Health

The most urgent matter for this former teacher is that we stop risking the educational potential and physical health of our students for the false promise of EdTech as a panacea for our schools' struggles.

Image Credit: Brett Weinstein / Flickr

Not A Great Day for Clinton: Wikileaks And Emails Strike Again

I am hesitant to write anything that might tangentially help Donald Trump, because I think the man entirely unfit to be president.
