
Girls play football, too! (Duh.)

10 Reasons I'm Not Afraid That My Daughter Is Playing High School Football

Every parent is afraid of something happening to their children; that comes with the territory. When we allow our fears to prevent our children from following their dreams, however, we do them a disservice.

Drinking a ton makes it harder for sperm to hit their target . . . Credit: Wikipedia Commons

New Study Finds Binge Drinking Lowers Sperm Count

Hypothetically, this gives a somewhat free-ish pass to the contraceptively lazy who like to drink. Don't let it though, obviously.

Credit: Flickr

8 Quotes To Live By, Courtesy Of Lisa Simpson

FXX is marathoning every last episode of The Simpsons. What better way to celebrate than with the best quotes of our favorite sax-playing mini-genius.


World Cup Fashion: Root for your Favorite Team in Style

The World Cup has arrived, but what are you gonna wear to show your support? Sadly, shin guards don't scream style.


Quote of the Day: Terry Crew Says NFL "Is Really Like a Cult"

How many men can we offer up on this altar for our amusement, sports drink endorsements and cold hard cash?


Quote of the Day: Calling Foul on Don Jones' Homophobic "OMG...Horrible" Tweet

The Miami Dolphins' Don Jones has slammed Michael Sam, the NFL's first openly gay player. The good news? Gay rights is still winning.


Top Female Iranian Football Players Discovered to be Men!

In a world where athletes are celebrated as demi-gods (
