
"At times, it feels like a silent horror movie is being played out in my head, one that I am a part of but have no control over." Image credit: Beth Solano via Unsplash

This Is What It's Like To Live With The Dark Side Of OCD

In all seriousness, there’s a side to this disorder that isn’t discussed enough because it’s uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable for those of us who struggle because we’re afraid of being judged, and it’s upsetting and disturbing to hear that a friend or family member is experiencing them.

 “It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

Can Pot Make You A Better Parent? A Discussion With Parents Who Use Cannabis

“It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

 “It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

Can Pot Make You A Better Parent? A Discussion With Parents Who Use Cannabis

“It helps me in ways that have enabled me to grow as a parent, in all honesty. Cannabis guides me to this calm, present state of mind."

"If I could redo the conversation with her today, I would probably light up right alongside her."

I Regret Judging The Pot Mom

If I could redo the conversation with her today, I would probably light up right alongside her.


Black CannaParents: Teaching Children Balance In An Environment Of Extremes

We’re living in a time where parents must do the impossible dance of humanizing the world to their children, while at the same time shielding them from the potential of other humans to cause harm.

"If I could redo the conversation with her today, I would probably light up right alongside her."

I Regret Judging The Pot Mom

If I could redo the conversation with her today, I would probably light up right alongside her.


Black CannaParents: Teaching Children Balance In An Environment Of Extremes

We’re living in a time where parents must do the impossible dance of humanizing the world to their children, while at the same time shielding them from the potential of other humans to cause harm.

What does "high functioning" even mean?

I'm Tired Of Being "High Functioning"

It’s supposed to imply that I can do a lot of stuff even while I’m sick, but what it actually means is “not dying yet.” Because that is the actual definition of functioning: existing. Breathing in and out, eating, talking, and — especially if you live in America — generating some form of income.
