
Larissa Martinez via youtube

Yale-Bound, Larissa Martinez, Reminds Us That Undocumented Immigrants Are People, Too

Today in, Lessons From People Not In Charge Of The Country: Larissa Martinez, 4.5 GPA High School Valedictorian, turned Yale student, reminds us w

Image Credit: Ferran Fusalba via Unsplash

Finding My Rebel Catholicism In Mexico City

In my rebel Catholicism, and the Catholicism that I see so many other Latinx people practice, faith and cynicism are dancing partners that invent their own steps.

Image Credit: Ferran Fusalba via Unsplash

Finding My Rebel Catholicism In Mexico City

In my rebel Catholicism, and the Catholicism that I see so many other Latinx people practice, faith and cynicism are dancing partners that invent their own steps.

If you can commit to following the points in this guide, and to share and re-share this guide, you will be contributing to changing a culture that is indebted in the oppression of Black individuals.

Your Guide On How To Support Black People After Incidents Of Police Violence

This piece is for you, my non-Black friends, my non-Black family members, my non-Black activists, my non-Black educators, and my non-Black partner. This piece is for you, because whether you know it or not, you benefit from anti-Blackness.

My abortion helped me turn my life around.

My Abortion Was The Turning Point In My Life

The gynecologist said, “Congratulations!” He sent me home with some vitamin B pills, assuming that of COURSE I was going to carry this baby to term. My heart ached and I was devastated all over again — but I knew I could not support the life of a child.

the beach!

Confession: Bio-Friendly Hotels are Hell!

I know it’s not a politically correct one, but I’ve got a confession to make: earth-friendly hotels stink. There, I said it.


Reflecting On Selena, 20 Years After Her Extraordinary Life

There was something special about Selena. No. Scratch that.


6 Pounds Of Meth Discovered On Downed Drone

Drones, the Orwellian fixture of modern times, are no longer available for your secretive drug transportation. 
