Catherine Gigante-Brown
Catherine Gigante-Brown Articles
Wrinkles or lifelines? Chunky or curvaceous? The choice is yours.
Read...In the photograph, my great-grandmother, Margarita Cirigliano, is sitting at a small table on the front porch of the family home in Borough Park, Brooklyn.
Read...You realize pretty soon that everything other than cancer — i.e. missing a train, being late to your dentist appointment — is no biggie compared to the suck factor of chemo.
Read...Alexa is like a nosy neighbor: She’s always listening. That’s how she can respond when you ask her to do something. So, when you’re getting busy on the kitchen counter — Alexa’s listening. When you’re telling Capital One the last four digits of your SSN — Alexa’s listening. And who knows who else is.
Read...Why, when I'm cool with being a salt-and-pepper chick, does it so clearly unnerve others?
Read...Being a little bit chubby is better than being a lot dead.
Read...I go for checkups when I’m supposed to: every three months to the oncologist and every six months to the breast surgeon. I go to SHARE support group meetings to bolster myself. I try to get enough sleep, despite the occasional night spent wide-eyed with dread.
Read...It sounded too good to be true: comfortable, attractive bra inserts for breast cancer survivors like me. I got on the computer, checked out their website, and immediately put in for one.
Read...I know it’s not a politically correct one, but I’ve got a confession to make: earth-friendly hotels stink. There, I said it.
Read...Even when I explained to my son that he came from a long line of short people, it didn’t help. David still felt bad about being small. How could a five-year-old possibly get this type of size-shaming message? From other people, mostly insensitive adults. They gave him the idea that bigger was somehow better.