Brianne Hogan

Brianne Hogan


Brianne Hogan is a freelance writer based in Toronto. A graduate of NYU, her byline's been featured on The Toast, Nerve, The Frisky, XOJane, among others. She loves cheese, red wine, soft pop and thinks the same is lame. Catch up with her on

Brianne Hogan Articles

Marina Franklin: Comedian, Truth-teller

brave. bawdy. decidedly not depressed.


I've Never Had A One Night Stand, But Maybe I Should

Dry humping my pillow and imagining it was David Duchovny seemed a much hotter alternative than doing the real thing.


Slings And Splints: The First Time I Fell In Love

For a long time, romantic love was an esoteric thing to me that I assumed would occur eventually, like taxes and having your clothes dry-cleaned.
