Chanel Dubofsky

Chanel Dubofsky


Chanel Dubofsky’s work has been published at Previously.TV, Cosmopolitan, Rewire, Extra Crispy, The Billfold, and more. She asks personal questions at The Marriage Project, and lives in Brooklyn, NY. 

Chanel Dubofsky Articles

The author in her home. Photo courtesy of My So-Called Selfish Life

Childfree Women Are Amazing: A Look At My So-Called Selfish Life

The fact that childfree women exist is remarkable, apparently, and people really want to know how we got this way, as untoward and dangerous as we are.

Image via Instagram @myfavoritemurder. (artwork by @ydartistry)

What I Mean When I Say "Feminist Murder Podcast" 

My Favorite Murder is a podcast, 45 episodes old, hosted by comedians Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, who love tales of murder and tell them, hilariously. And here's another thing about My Favorite Murder that makes it unique — it's feminist as hell.

Our lives are important because we're living them.

On Defending My Right To Not Want What You Want

At some point, it became apparent that there was something else I should want: a baby. It seemed everyone around me expressed a desire for tiny clothes and that distinct newborn smell and a life constructed around the rhythms of a particular kind of family. Yet, that’s not something I want, and it has never been, even when I was 13.
