Claire Hopple

Claire Hopple


Claire Hopple is a writer of short stories and a columnist for Maudlin House. Originally from Pittsburgh, she currently lives in Nashville with her husband. She's still waiting for someone to give her a firm answer on the Oxford comma. She will eat all of your cupcakes. Find out more at      

Claire Hopple Articles

Loud buzzes from your phone can translate to zero clear thinking.

Here’s Why I’ll Never Be A Phone Person (But I Still Love You)

It’s not that you don’t love the people calling you (unless you’re solely receiving spam calls), it’s just that you’d rather be with them. You think that the phone can’t replace seeing their faces, experiencing their presence in all the dimensions currently available to humans. And sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) you just need time to recharge by yourself. Why does that feel so wrong sometimes?

Big Brother really is always watching... and listening... and advertising.

Your Phone Is Listening To You - All The Time

You mention wanting to feast on a sweet stack of pancakes for Sunday brunch and the next time you open Instagram, there’s an IHOP ad star

Phone overuse is real; get it under control in 2017.

New Year, Less Tech: How To Break Your Phone Addiction

It's a new year! But it's the same old story with you and your lover, er, I mean, your phone.

Decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance.

It's Time To Sharpen Those Decision-Making Skills

Whether it’s moving to a different country, starting a new career in a completely different field, or even something tiny like how to compose that text to a friend or which movie to see, decisions big or small can wear you out before you even have a chance. Below are some questions to help you think through tough decisions. But first, keep in mind: no matter your choice, you will most likely be alive when it has run its course. And you will most likely still be you. Deep breaths. Keep reading.

Get your groove on sans worries with these tips, so you can rock the festival scene like a pro.

Get Your Festival Season Essentials

Good news: Festival season is upon us. Allow yourself to rock with the best of them by compiling your own crucial folk festival kit with these must-have items.
