Claire Hopple

Claire Hopple


Claire Hopple is a writer of short stories and a columnist for Maudlin House. Originally from Pittsburgh, she currently lives in Nashville with her husband. She's still waiting for someone to give her a firm answer on the Oxford comma. She will eat all of your cupcakes. Find out more at      

Claire Hopple Articles

Choose your own adventure.

How To Be A More Adventurous Person

First, if you’re bored, congratulations are in order.

Though they don’t give you the ability to fly or powers of invisibility, superfoods can increase your energy levels and endurance.

What The Heck Makes A Superfood Super?

In case you haven’t noticed, food elitism did not go out with the abolishment of the food pyramid. But before you call your broccoli a power-hungry classist, make sure you know your basic facts.

Big Brother really is always watching... and listening... and advertising.

Your Phone Is Listening To You - All The Time

You mention wanting to feast on a sweet stack of pancakes for Sunday brunch and the next time you open Instagram, there’s an IHOP ad star

Don't lose your cool without trying these seven tips for mood management.

7 Ways To Quickly Change A Bad Mood

Strange, that bad mood of yours won’t disintegrate with someone shaking you and shouting “Snap out of it!” That alllllways does the trick.

Get your groove on sans worries with these tips, so you can rock the festival scene like a pro.

Get Your Festival Season Essentials

Good news: Festival season is upon us. Allow yourself to rock with the best of them by compiling your own crucial folk festival kit with these must-have items.

Dairy is good for you, but it depends, on you, and on the dairy... and no, it's not complicated at all.

Where Did We Land On Dairy Again?

Wait a sec, is consuming dairy good or bad for you? Do you cut it out when you want to get healthy, or add more in?

Oh early risers! Do you know something the rest of us don't?

Does Waking Up Early Really Do Anything?

You may have seen a snarky high school friend post countless articles about habits of insanely successful people, and early rising always

'Sup turkey.

Turkey Frying Mishaps & Other Thanksgiving Cautionary Tales 

If you want to burn off your hair, possibly several limbs and maybe even your entire yard, then by all means, fire up that completely frozen bird. But if you’d rather play it safe, follow these simple tips:

Keep the Grinch at bay with these tunes. (Image Credit: Briana (Breezy) Baldwin via Wikimedia Commons)

Holiday Albums That Aren’t Obnoxious

Nothing makes me get my Grinch on faster than glitter-bombed Christmas wrapping and nasally voices ringing in my eardrums at every store.
