Cynthia Lawrence

Cynthia Lawrence


A born- and- bred Londoner, Cynthia Lawrence is a freelance journalist and editor. She began her media journey as a production assistant at the news hub of MTV Networks Europe before making the transition to music journalism. She eventually broke into the world of feature writing and editing for women's lifestyle magazines. She now spends her time writing for Huffington Post, Bella, Chat UK magazines amongst others, and currently sub-edits for The Sun Online, Britain’s best-selling newspaper.   Bizarre career moments have been plentiful, but nothing beats the night Mariah Carey attempted to get her drunk during an interview, an impromptu serenade by Terrence Howard, and important marriage advice from Toni Braxton (“trim those hedges!”).  She lives in Kent, England with her long-suffering hubby, and their Marvel superheroes obsessed 4-year-old son.

Cynthia Lawrence Articles

Wedding Guest Etiquette: 10 Dos And Don'ts This Wedding Season

Don’t: Overindulge at the free bar. Open bars can be a recipe for disaster if abused.

Just don't do it.

4 Reasons To Stop Asking, "When Are You Going To Have A Baby?"

Just because a couple decides to marry doesn’t automatically mean that they want kids. Many couples in loving relationships simply want to share a life together — without any children. There is no rule to say they should.

What’s wrong with eating heart-shaped chocolates any other day of the year?

7 Reasons I Hate Valentine's Day

Before we’ve even had time to digest the festive season (and the last of the mulled wine), the overwhelming abundance of red hearts, teddy bears, and all things contrived come out to taunt us. They’re everywhere. From the zillion greeting cards, custom chocolates, gift ideas, sex toys, you name it — all in the name of a dude called Cupid.


Playground Wars: Why I Dread Talking To Other Parents At The School Gates

But just when I thought I’d finally conquered the next hurdle of Corey starting pre-school, I was faced with yet a new one. Other mothers.


How To Say No And Not Feel Guilty

As an only child, my father always told me, “You don’t have to be liked by everyone, and you don’t have to like them, too.” I guess I always sought a sense of approval from those around me growing up, and the desire to be ‘liked’ by my peers was vital.

Is it possible to shift the dialogue when it comes to teaching masculinity to boys? Image: Thinkstock.

We Have To Change The Kind Of Masculinity We Teach Our Sons

I guess we are all guilty of gender-typing to some degree. It’s ingrained deep in our subconscious and culture. Everywhere we go: shopping malls, in the media, play groups, schools, public bathrooms — and the list goes on. But is it possible to shift the dialogue when it comes to teaching masculinity to boys?

Babies change things. This we know to be true.

Is Your Relationship In Flux? 4 Crisis-Inducing Changes

Having a baby is a joyous time but can often bring about drastic changes to the dynamic. With sleep deprivation, breastfeeding, body hang-ups, and not to mention the baby blues, it’s no surprise that time for each other and sex drive can be nonexistent.


Are You A Midnight Millionaire?

I’ll admit, there is something thrilling about purchasing something new, even if it was an item I wasn’t sure I needed. But the reduced price of £10 from £40 justified the spend!

happy couple...who just had a huge fight.

Why Idolizing Someone Else's 'Perfect' Relationship Could Ruin Yours

People will only post on social media what they want the world to see. This is often to impress and seek affirmation or to simply get as many likes as they can for a cool picture! But you never know what goes on behind closed doors.

Work-from-home mom.

4 Annoying Things People Say To Work-From-Home Moms

Many people mistake working from home as NOT working at all. I guess I can’t blame their curiosity. How do I fill the typical 48-hour, working week in the comfort of my own home? But if those people managed a challenging workload and a lively toddler simultaneously, they would not even question it!
