Kelly James

Kelly James


• B R I S V E G A S • W R I T E R • M U M • N E E D S A W I N E •

Kelly James Articles

The sapiophile can still find love; it just probably won’t be on Tinder.

Are You A Sapiophile? Here’s How To Know…

The sapiophile can still find love; it just probably won’t be on Tinder.

The odd fundraiser or volunteer request is fine, but when they’re coming on a weekly basis, it’s just too much.

Dear Public School: Stop Asking Me For Money 

This is a public school, and every bloody week, there is at least one of these coming home. And before I go on, I know that our public schools are underfunded, and I know they need to get money somehow, but it’s getting ridiculous. At the moment, we are lucky enough that we can pay these fees. We can pay $20 for a picture our own child drew even though we get 20 of the same drawings every day for free. But not every public school family can. So many families are struggling to give their children the basics, to send them to school with breakfast in their tummies and lunch in their bags, without worrying about how they’re going to send their kid to the disco all their friends are going to, or how they’ll buy milk after sacrificing their last fiver for a Mother’s Day gift.

It’s hardly a wonder so many people suffer in silence, when these are the responses they’re likely to receive if they talk about their problems.

The Phrase We Need To Stop Using When We Talk About Depression

I can assure you that when a person is at rock bottom and in so much emotional pain that they literally can’t think of anything else but ending it as quickly as possible, someone telling them that it’s stupid would make about as much difference as a supermarket cashier telling them to “have a nice day” or someone in the street telling them to smile.
