Robin Berl

Robin Berl


Robin Berl is a stay-at-home allergy mom and writer. Robin believes all dresses must have pockets and all feminism must be intersectional. Robin enjoys way too much chocolate and not enough sleep. 

Robin Berl Articles

I don’t have to quit because I'm rethinking what it means to be a "perfect" mother.

The Day I Wanted To Quit Motherhood​

"Can I quit motherhood?" I half-joked with my husband as he carried our toddler out of the bathroom. I was desperate, smelly, and completely drained.

There's so much more power in laughter than we realize.

I Have One Thing In Common With Donald Trump (And It Is NOT Funny!)

Critique devastates me. I never want to do anything wrong. When I believe I have done something wrong, I tend to avoid the situation or people involved indefinitely. Run somewhere where I can try again. Start from scratch.


Mountains Of Molehills: Inside My Anxious Mind

While I laughed at her old-school idiom, once she explained the concept I knew she was right. I was making a bigger deal out of things than was necessary or appropriate; she just didn’t understand that it wasn’t a choice.
