
Sometimes it's good to speak (loudly) your mind.

My Husband Let My Son's 3rd Grade Teacher Have It - And I'm Okay With That

3rd grade is no joke. There really isn’t any way around it, their curriculum is tough shit.

image credit: Joni Edelman

Are My Child's Special Needs My Fault?

Day three of “no.”

Let’s get dressed.


Let’s eat breakfast.


Time to get our shoes on!


Now that I’m a mother, I’ve entered a whole new world in which I must fake it till I make it.

7 Ways To Fake It 'Til You Make It

I’ve always loved that saying, “fake it 'til you make it.” When I was a young professional (inexperienced employee) sitting in my career station (small cubicle) working hard (emailing friends), I learned a lot about how to make it in the world (pretended like I knew what I was doing). Turns out not much has changed. Now that I’m a mother, I’ve entered a whole new world in which I must fake it till I make it.

There's a part of me wondering if having one more child might be a little selfish.

I Have A Special Needs Child; Should I Have A Baby? 

I’ve always wanted four children. I’m not sure why. What is really giving me pause is the fact that my second child, Giovanni, 8, is special needs. It’s difficult and expensive. We have no idea how his life is going to be and how best to help him. Add to that my “extra needs” first child Philip, 12, whose food allergies guaranteed his first few years of life were as terrifying as possible. And still I want another child.

This is a rough time to be a parent.

Raising Sons In The Time Of Trump

I think we can all agree that there is some messed up stuff happening right now.

When the next election comes around, he will be able to look at it and say “what is that?”

On Not Talking About The Election With My Toddler

This morning my son woke up laughing. My son woke up laughing and I woke up crying. My son woke up laughing and his little squeaky voice was a light in the darkness to me. I went into his room and moved towards his crib and he smiled at me. And I was so grateful, grateful for him and who he is, but also grateful that he is still a baby and I do not have to explain what happened last night.

Age gaps aren't the enemy (Imag Credit: Thinkstock)

There’s An Age Gap Between My Kids – Deal With It

Most of us grow up envisioning the “perfect” family that we will have one day. One boy, one girl – 3 years apart. Right?

The odd fundraiser or volunteer request is fine, but when they’re coming on a weekly basis, it’s just too much.

Dear Public School: Stop Asking Me For Money 

This is a public school, and every bloody week, there is at least one of these coming home. And before I go on, I know that our public schools are underfunded, and I know they need to get money somehow, but it’s getting ridiculous. At the moment, we are lucky enough that we can pay these fees. We can pay $20 for a picture our own child drew even though we get 20 of the same drawings every day for free. But not every public school family can. So many families are struggling to give their children the basics, to send them to school with breakfast in their tummies and lunch in their bags, without worrying about how they’re going to send their kid to the disco all their friends are going to, or how they’ll buy milk after sacrificing their last fiver for a Mother’s Day gift.
