
Recipe: Cinnamon Maca Almond Butter Of Beauty

Cinnamon Maca Almond Butter Of Beauty

Maca has also been shown to boost adrenal function and support healthy cortisol. This cinnamon maca almond butter is also a sweet treat!


3 Tips For Eating Well When You're Really F*cking Depressed

In the midst of struggling with being depressed, you’re also saddled with the practical realities of staying alive. It’s no easy feat.


How To Slow Down During Your Busy Life

I’m writing this, and I don’t even fully know how to tell you to slow down during your busy life because the truth is, I’m learning how to do this myself.

MealEnders: A lame excuse for dessert.

What Is A "MealEnder?" (Is It Not Dessert? Def Thought It Was Dessert.)

Inquiring minds want to know - what is a MealEnder? No, it's apparently not dessert. So right off the bat, the name of the product is misleading.

Harvest Vegetable Baked Ziti Recipe

Rav's Recipes: Harvest Vegetable Baked Ziti

This Harvest Vegetable Baked Ziti is a lovely late summer/early autumn harvest flair! Sprinkle it with whatever cheese sounds good and enjoy.

5 foods for optimal vagina health.

5 Foods That Are Good For Your Vagina

As the saying goes, you are what you eat — meaning, what we put into our bodies affects our overall health. Here are 5 foods that are good for your vagina.

We need to talk about how the APA is Fat-Shaming Kids!

APA To Release Guidelines For Fat-Shaming Kids For Profit

What happens when you suggest diet behavior to a kid who’s about to grow a foot? How do you affect their growth? How to you affect their health? This is fat-shaming kids!

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Why Do You Feel Like Crap? 7 Things You Might (Or Might Not) Be Doing

I am a Professional Ignorer of Physical Symptoms, which means I will just walk around complaining about how shitty I feel while doing absolutely nothing about it.
