Jenni Berrett

Jenni Berrett


Jenni Berrett is a 19 year old writer and dog walker living in the Central Valley of California. She is a big fan of all things literary, feminist, and featuring Amy Poehler. She has a knack for rap lyrics and a strange obsession with Werner Herzog documentaries (they are boring and exciting AT THE SAME TIME). You can find her on Twitter @jenni__bee.

Jenni Berrett Articles

The Messiness Of Mormonism

Culturally speaking, though, it’s pretty much set in stone. Even if I left the church entirely, there’s no getting out of my heritage. Cut me open; I’ll bleed funeral potatoes. I’m what you call a “legacy Mormon” — my ancestors migrated across the frontier and settled in Utah (then Mexico) after facing unspeakable persecution from countless communities in the United States. You probably know my ancestors best as the people with the wives.

The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.

Read/Watch/Listen To This: Sheep Are The Best Edition

THE WEEKEND HAS ARRIVED. While we hope you'll spend most of it reading, watching, and listening to the genre-transcending masterpiece that is Lemonade, we've taken the liberty of providing you with additional resources for Internet fun-having over the weekend.

Jenni Berrett

One Week Of College And The Mental Break That Sent Me Home

"I had always pictured myself spending afternoons studying there. I instead found myself curled up on one of those benches at five in the morning, promising the crises hotline operator that no, I did not want to kill myself. I just didn’t know who else to call."

"Crying Girl" by Roy Lichtenstein, 1963

Emergency Self-Care: Tips For Loving Yourself During A Crisis

...self-care is a process. Ideally, you treat yourself with kindness daily, engaging in acts of self care that function as either a reminder to relax in the midst of everyday stresses, part of a life saving regimen to sustain your mental well being, or a little bit of both.

From Broad City, 2.8

Hey, Ladies: Pop Culture Lessons On Masturbation

“Girls don’t masturbate, right? I don’t masturbate. Do you masturbate? Can girls masturbate? I don’t think they can — I’m pretty sure my mom doesn’t.”

Paradise? Not for you.

No Paradise For The Gay Folks (AKA Basic Jehovah's Witness Theology)

Part of me wants to write this off as innocuous and carry on with my day, because homophobia is already everywhere and there are better things for me to dedicate my words to — but then I remember 10-year old me.


Thoughts From Twitter: On The Charleston AME Shooting

There is a lot on the Internet to read about the tragic Charleston shooting that took place late Wednesday night. Here are a few noteworthy tweets to get started with.

"I don’t view my mental illness as something that gets in the way of a happy or meaningful future, but rather a practical reality of the life I live and plan to continue living."

I Don't Need To "Cure" My Chronic Mental Illness To Be Happy

I’ve been mentally ill pretty much my whole entire life, and it isn’t something I see going away any time soon. I don’t see that as an inherently bad thing.


A Case For SB 277: The Morality Of Vaccinations

"Disease takes the body over, and, in the cases of the diseases we vaccinate for, moves swiftly on to other bodies. It does not ask permission to enter. "
