Read/Watch/Listen To This!
Welcome to the first official edition of Read/Watch/Listen To This!
We know the grammar is questionable and we don't care. It gets the job done.
Jody and I (the "I" in question here is Jenni. Hello, nice to meet you. I'm the features editor here. Taurus. INTJ. Hufflepuff. I think that covers everything. Moving on.) are pretty good at mining the Internet for worthy gems, so we figured we could combine our skills into a nice little weekend column. Also, Jody used to work here as our copy editor but now she doesn't and WE MISS EACH OTHER. This is a fun way to stay in touch.
The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.
That gives you six pieces of the World Wide Web to explore — just enough to keep you busy without feeling like you've got a deluge of links to wade through. And since we're only sharing three links apiece, you'll be getting our very favorites. Nothing but the best for you, dear reader. We're generous like that.
My colleague posted this fantastic dissection of San Francisco's Alex Nieto case by one of our Rav Reads writers, Rebecca Solnit. I was shocked by how much I actually didn't know about the situation.
I was working on a freelance assignment last night and having an existential crisis, as you do, when I read this piece on Medium. I immediately taped this quote to my laptop keyboard: "You can't edit a blank page." It sounds like a writing aphorism that's been around forever, but I had never heard it before, and WOW did it give me the kick in the ass I needed. Also, this lady is a great writer and I fully plan on combing through her backlog over the weekend.
I've really been in the mood for long videos to settle into while I wind down from the workday lately. This drag queen makeup tutorial is 26 minutes of BLISS. Season 8 of Drag Race just started, but I think my heart will always belong to the queens of Season 7. This gave me all the nostalgia and comfort I needed and I've watched it three times.
I'm not a great authority on electronic music, so I normally would have skipped over this, but the cover art for Perrine En Morceaux's new record made me give a hearty HELL YEAH in my head. Then I learned that it was produced in collaboration with an all-female electronic label — sorely needed in the male-dominated EDM world.
M83 and HAIM did a song for the Insurgent soundtrack that I Cannot Get Out Of My Head. I have listened to this approximately 536 times this week. So creepy and ethereal and comforting and warm all at once.