
How can we make dating soul-filling, again?

Five Ways To Bring Humanity Back To Dating

How can we make dating soul-filling, again?

imagine Joni Edelman via Instagram

Life Is Hard But Also Beautiful: Lessons From The Second Grade 

I’m still in second grade with my daughter and here's what I've learned. The only thing more powerful than your pain is knowing that someone sees you in it.

image credit: Ben White via Unsplash

Don't Tell Me You're OK, When You Are Definitely Not OK

If we aren’t going to be honest about how we really are, why are we asking?


Sarah Finds Her Humanity

On learning to lose the ego and respect others:


J.K. Rowling Defends Dumbledore, Gays, Humanity In General

We've long known that J.K.


Stop With The Haterade, #TheDress Will Save Us All

Sometimes, the Internet is a means to our own salvation.


Gravity’s Revolt: Original Science Fiction

And yet, life remained. Humankind was not of such an ilk to disappear quietly into the night. Escape may yet come to pass


The Ugly History of Anti-Choice Violence

MSNBC recently cast light on truly disturbing hypcorisy at play in the abortion debate.
