
The liberation of Black Americans from physical chains is deeply intertwined with the modern chains of today.

The Importance Of Teaching My Son About Juneteenth In Trump's America

By educating my son on Juneteenth, I am able to make it clear to him that we may live in a nation that wasn’t established with us in mind, but we continue to find freedom anyway.

Racism in this country is embedded in the language of many of our laws, and drug laws in particular. Image: Nick Wiebe/Wikipedia.

Angela Davis And asha bandele: Getting People Out Of Prison Is Just The Start To Solving America's Incarceration Crisis

[CN: racism, incarceration, slavery] What happens, they asked, when your community is targeted and generationally oppressed; when you are raised to fear the police because you’ve seen whose blood it is they’re spilling; when your father and uncle and siblings and cousins are all labeled criminals?

Black and badass.

3 Reasons I Love Being A Black Woman

Black women have endured the unfathomable. We’ve watched our leaders be assassinated, and our hopes go with them. We’ve watched the nation’s leaders be assassinated, and watched our hopes float away with them too. We’ve buried our 5-year-old daughters after they were bombed to death in church, our 12-year-old sons who were playing in the park, and our 29-year-old daughters who were stopped for simple traffic violations.

Credit: National Urban League State of Black America Report 2015

State Of Black America Report: Blacks Are Treated 72% Equal To Whites

According to the National Urban League, there is something we should know—black America is in a state of crisis.


The Racist Truth Behind the Ice Cream Truck Jingle

The ice cream truck may be tainted forever.


Daily Quote: Cliven Bundy Proves Nausea-Inducing Racism is Alive and Well

A beloved-by-conservatives rancher has made headlines by talking about "negros" and why slavery was a good thing. No...seriously. Oops, yeah we just threw up in our mouth too.
