Hear This: Psychedelic Aussies Tame Impala Cover MJ's "Stranger in Moscow"

Tame Impala is a space-rock, neo-psychedelic band hailing from the Perth Music Scene. Perth is Australia's go-to music haven (who knew?!) touting other internationally renown artists like Eskimo Joe and Gyroscope. Despite being a different sound than anything else out of Perth (which is currently marked by a pop-ier, less experimental sound) Tame Impala has captured Ravishly's attention with their uncanny ability to nail the 60's rock psychedelic freedom thang [think Beatles and Beach Boys] while imbuing their tunes with a decidedly 21st century vibe. (I.e. badass electronic synth sounds.)

The three-man studio band just showed the world some love with their interpretation of Michael Jackson's "Stranger in Moscow." Front man, Kevin Parker, just posted it Facebook page with the shoutout:

free michael jackson cover yaaalll
fresh out of the the oven.
MJ 4 eva.

Check out how they kept Jackson's style alive while adding their own Aussie flavor to the mix:


Image: Kevin Parker being all dreamy and intense courtesy of Wikimedia

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