Brianne Hogan

Brianne Hogan


Brianne Hogan is a freelance writer based in Toronto. A graduate of NYU, her byline's been featured on The Toast, Nerve, The Frisky, XOJane, among others. She loves cheese, red wine, soft pop and thinks the same is lame. Catch up with her on

Brianne Hogan Articles

Credit: Thinkstock

Forget Me Nots: When Your Best Friends Live Over The Hills And Far Away

I sent out Christmas cards this year, which I wrote upon with an actual pen. But it wasn’t always like this.


Fug Girls: Fuggin' Fabulous Blog Queens 

Real Names: Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan


Nicole Cliffe: Editor, Tweeter, Proud Canadian 

Come, fervent readers of smart, witty blogs.
