Chris Huqueriza

Chris Huqueriza


Chris Huqueriza is a freelance writer with a passion for contributing to the LGBT community. He’s written for dot429, Out & Equal, the Bay Area Reporter and Ashcan Magazine. He’s also an avid film aficionado especially with Audrey Hepburn, Alfred Hitchcock and Elizabeth Taylor films. On his free time, he likes to write in his personal blog ( and post his current lookbook outfits. He’s very proud he’s reached over 1,000 outfits!

Chris Huqueriza Articles

Would YOU Let BJ's Name Your Baby?

What would you do for $10,000? Think about that for a second. You could travel the world. You could buy, like, half of a (cheap) car.


Iowa Supreme Court Okays Telemedicine Abortions

In case you missed it, history was made last weekend. NBD. 


ICYMI: FDA Gives 'Female Viagra' The Go-Ahead

Since 1998, Viagra has been readily available for men to correct their sexual dysfunction.


Like, EhMiGawd, Tiger Beat Is Making A Comeback!

Just tell your adolescent self to hang tight, okay?


Mark Zuckerberg Strives For Telepathic Communication

Mark Zuckerberg, the famous/infamous founder of Facebook, believes that telepathy is the future. 

(Pause for reaction.) 


Baby Spiders Invade Australia...Yep, You Read That Right

Whether you see this as a sign of heavenly benevolence or malevolence is really your own perspective.


Chrissy Teigen Feels Best Naked, And You Should Too

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes we lack that chemical X that takes us up a notch. What is it?  


Photographer Captures Beauty In Alopecia

Lately we have been asking, "What is beauty?" 
