
I'm more intrigued (and somewhat amused) by the signs of aging that seem to have suddenly hit like a ton of bricks than I am bummed out about them. Image: Thinkstock

8 Ways Aging Has Crept Up On Me That I'm Weirdly OK With

I'm proud to be where I'm at in life, even if it means spending more time buying bunion-cushioning shoe inserts and various vitamin supplements than it does staying out late with friends getting sushi and drinks. What is somewhat bizarre to me, however, is how the signs of getting older have crept up on me. Big time.

Ummm, did the token Asian call in sick? Courtesy of Colleen Criss

Why Dove's "Real" Beauty Campaign is a Load of Crap

A father began a petition asking Dove to fess up to their Photoshopping. Request? Denied.
