new parent

This is what works for me. I am happier as a parent of one.

Having One Child Makes Me A Better Mother

I know of people who find one child incredibly challenging and seem to hate the whole experience. And yet they proceed to have another child willingly.

I wonder about these decisions. For me, I would be a terrible mother if I had another child.

We don’t often give pregnant people realistic expectations or dote on them postpartum, as we should. Image: Thinkstock.

The Postpartum Period Is For Self-Care (Not Just Taking Care Of The Baby)

CN: mention of postpartum depression/suicidality. Generally, in my experience, people often get so excited about a new baby, that they forget that postpartum women need doting on, too.

You have never had to be so flexible, literally and figuratively, in your life. Image: Hua Zhan/Pixabay.

Congratulations, New Parents — You're Screwed.

There is actually no way to prepare for parenthood.
