Will anyone take Mike Flynn up on his immunity offer? And what is up with how cute hippos can be?? (Image Credit: YouTube/Freedom of Press)
We interrupt our regularly scheduled #FurballFriday to bring you news that retired General Mike Flynn, the disgraced former National Security Advisor to President Trump, is shopping for an immunity deal in exchange for his testimony on the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia.
Bet you thought I’d say he was shopping for a book deal, or a gig as commentator for Fox. That’s what normal former White House staffers do. But we left normal behind ages ago. There seems to be no limit to the weird in Washington anymore.
Anyway, Flynn was forced to resign after we all found out he was talking to the Russian ambassador about policy matters during a period when he was not authorized to be doing so. We also know that he was on the payroll to Turkish officials during the presidential campaign. He is suspected of other kinds of shadiness, as well ass possessing knowledge of the shadiness of his one-time colleagues.
Yesterday, the news broke that Flynn would be happy to tell Congress what he knows in exchange for immunity from future prosecution. So far, no one has taken him up on his offer.
Everyone and their mother is armchair quarterbacking this development and I’m no exception. Here are the possibilities as I see them:
1. Law enforcement already knows what Flynn would say and it’s so minor that it’s not worth giving him anything.
2. Law enforcement already knows what Flynn would say and it’s so bad that immunity wouldn’t be appropriate.
3. Flynn is trying to be the fall guy for other Trump administration players and anything he would say would be specifically to shield them from future prosecution, and law enforcement doesn’t want to risk that.
4. Law enforcement is just biding their time and we’ll learn more later.
I suspect the fourth option is the most likely.
Anyway, now that we’ve covered all of that, here are some gifs of adorable baby hippos! Happy weekend!