Catherine Gigante-Brown

Catherine Gigante-Brown


Catherine Gigante-Brown is a freelance writer of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Her works have appeared in Time Out New York, Essence and Seventeen. She co-wrote two biographies for Prometheus Books and her short stories appear in fiction anthologies. Catherine’s first novel, The El, is available from Volossal Publishing. You can learn more about her on her website.

Catherine Gigante-Brown Articles

Image: NY Post

Love, Candice: A Farewell to Candida Royalle

Candida Royalle pretty much invented couples erotica. She made it socially-acceptable. Respectable. The women in her films looked like real women and had real, comfortable female bodies. And her movies actually had stories. Good stories. She hired her friends—adult legends like Annie Sprinkle, Veronicas Hart and Vera, and Gloria Leonard — to create Femme films too.


On Aging Gracefully... Sort Of

Wrinkles or lifelines? Chunky or curvaceous? The choice is yours.


Ticking Time Bomb: Life As A Cancer Survivor

I go for checkups when I’m supposed to: every three months to the oncologist and every six months to the breast surgeon. I go to SHARE support group meetings to bolster myself. I try to get enough sleep, despite the occasional night spent wide-eyed with dread.

Credit: Thinkstock

Dear U.S. Government: Keep Your Hands Off Our Boobs!

A new U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation on mammograms ensures more women will die of breast cancer.


Last Night, I Met “The Other Woman”

" Sure enough, the doorbell rang one early June day and there she was: curvy, seductive body, smooth black skin, bright blue eyes."

Atop Joppenbergh Mountain in New York, channeling Rosie the Riveter's fierceness

25 Ways To Conquer Chemo

After I got over the initial devastation, I pulled myself up by my big-girl panties and got on with it. Chemo was no picnic—but it was do-able.


Why Silver Is The New Blonde

Why, when I'm cool with being a salt-and-pepper chick, does it so clearly unnerve others?

The fabulous Viva Vinson

7 Female Singers You Don't Want To Miss

At the New York City release party for Dayna Kurtz’ latest, Rise and Fall, my friend Nadia leaned over to me and whispered, “Why the fuck


Taking Boudoir Photography to New Heights With Constance & Eric

“It’s almost as though this niche was patiently waiting for us to find it.”


My Father Never Said I Love You, But I'll Be Different

I realized my father was from a generation that never said those three little words. He was saying he loved me without them. But I didn't realize it then.
