Katie Tastrom

Katie Tastrom


Katie Tastrom is a lawyer/writer/zine maker/podcaster/activist/parent though she still manages to watch all the franchises of The Real Housewives. Her writing has appeared at The Establishment, XOJane, The Body is Not an Apology, Mutha, and other places. You can tell Twitter is officially dead because she has been much more active on it lately. She just finished the second issue of her zine "Chronic Illness Grrl" and you can get a copy by emailing her at Katie.Tastrom@gmail.com. Also check out her podcast "Sick Life" on itunes (or wherever you get your podcasts).  

Katie Tastrom Articles

When you have chronic illnesses or other disabilities, looking for a job is even worse.

The Benefits Of Hiring Someone With A Chronic Illness ​

When you have chronic illnesses, looking for a job is even worse. Here's why you should consider hiring someone with a chronic illness! ​

Chronic illness and fatness can interact in ways that exacerbate both the ableism and fatphobia we experience.

What Your Sick, Fat Friend Wants You To Know 

As a sick person, sometimes even well-meaning people say and do things that are frustrating. Here's what your sick fat friend wants you to know.

image credit: Thinkstock

Generations, Disabled AND IN POVERTY: A Response To The Washington Post

Disabled people are being killed slowly by a system that does not value us and we live in fear of things becoming even worse under Trump.
