Risa Kerslake

Risa Kerslake


Risa Kerslake is a nurse turned freelance writer from the Midwest. Her work has appeared in Momtastic, mom.me, and FertilitySmarts, among other sites. Her passions (and what she writes about obsessively) include parenting, relationships, and infertility. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and her website risakerslakewrites.com. 

Risa Kerslake Articles

So why do pregnancy announcements still affect me so much?

Pregnancy Announcements Can Be Hard When Dealing With Infertility

Pregnancy announcements are the norm all over social media. But for someone experiencing infertility, seeing those announcements can be triggering.

(Image courtesy of the author.)

Please Stop Telling People Going Through Infertility To "Just Relax"

As someone who went through six years of infertility and who’s now in therapy for it, please stop telling people going through infertility to just relax.

(Photo Credit: Erin and I Photography)

I Had Postpartum Anxiety, But I Didn’t Fail At Motherhood

I am a good mom for taking care of my needs — for getting the help of therapy and medication for my postpartum anxiety, even if I needed it sooner.
