Sarah Fader

Sarah Fader


Sarah Fader is the CEO and Founder of Stigma Fighters, a non-profit organization that encourages individuals with mental illness to share their personal stories. She is an author and blogger, having been featured on Psychology Today, The Huffington Post, HuffPost Live, and Good day New York.Sarah is a native New Yorker who enjoys naps, talking to strangers, and caring for her two small humans and two average-sized cats. Like six million other Americans, Sarah lives with panic disorder. Through Stigma Fighters, Sarah hopes to change the world, one mental health stigma at a time.  

Sarah Fader Articles

Guns are serious business -- NOT child's play.

I Threw Away My Son’s Toy Gun

There is a bigger problem at hand here: the toy industry feels that it is appropriate and lucrative to include play guns in children’s toys.

Is being a single mom hard? SHUT UP.

5 Things NOT To Say To A Single Mom

2. I have a really cute friend I can set you up with. I am single by choice. No thanks!

Some of our best friends are online.

My Friends Live In My Phone

Online friendships are real. Human beings seek connection in various forms, and having a connection with another like-minded human being through the Internet is completely and totally valid.

If kids get rewarded for chores, moms should get theirs too. (Image Credit: Think Stock)

Chore Motivation For Busy-Ass Moms: Rewards (Of Course)

Plenty of moms out there hate housework as much as their kids do, but there is no fairy godmother en route to tidy up for us. Here's how to get those dishes done, with or without a good attitude about it.

There are some concrete ways to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Five Ways To Kick Seasonal Affective Disorder’s Ass

Fact: It’s cold as f#ck outside and you should be watching Netflix.

I was emotionally and physically depleted. Image: Thinkstock.

Surviving Postpartum Depression And Hypnagogic Hallucinations

She was beautiful; I wanted to love her. But there was this nagging voice inside me: "What if I can’t love this baby as much as my son? Is there enough love for both of my children?"

Curly hair, don't care.

Be One With Your Hair: Embracing The Hair You Were Born With

I love my hair curly and I love my hair straight. However, I would be misleading you if I didn't admit that people's positive reaction to my wild curly locks inspired me to keep my hair au naturel.

You have the opportunity to find true love — take it and run with it!

10 Ways Being Dumped Is A Blessing

You may be heartbroken because that asshole dumped you, but really - was he all that great? Okay, you had some great sex and some deep conversations, but the truth is you want to be with someone who wants to be with YOU. On that note here are 10 reasons being dumped is a blessing.

Anxiety, you are not going to win this time.

How To Make Anxiety Your Bitch

My life has been a long bumpy anxious ride. People often don’t understand my “quirky” behaviors due to anxiety. I’ve learned, over the years that it's not important what other people think. What matters is that I recognize when anxiety is coming out to play, and I punch that bitch in the face.

I have two kids and I curse like a sailor. I do not curse at them, but I curse around them. And they know the difference.

I'm Not A Bad Parent For Swearing Around My Children

I have two kids and I curse like a sailor. I do not curse at them, but I curse around them. And they know the difference. I tell them that "fuck" and "shit" are curse words, that they are for grownups to say. I don’t sugarcoat them. But I also do not intend to give up the words that offer me a level of catharsis I can’t seem to locate elsewhere in the English language.
