
The unconditional love of a pet is like no other and makes for perfect holiday self-care!

Holiday Self-Care With Pets 

The love of a pet is like no other and makes for perfect holiday self-care! The company of animals can often be superior to the company of humans.

I'm leaving Facebook to save myself from the anguish of my newsfeed during the holidays.

Why I'm Leaving Facebook During The Holidays

I'm leaving Facebook to save myself from the anguish of the 'tis the season shopping excursions and elaborate events that go hand-in-hand with the holidays.

Photo by Martin Courreges on Unsplash

How Social Media Made My Holiday Season Depression So Much Worse

I soon realized that admiring everyone’s seemingly perfect life was making me spiral into a pit of holiday season depression and I couldn't climb out.

Photo by Brian Erickson on Unsplash

I'm 35 Years Old And Can't Drive A Car

No other act is more symbolic of adulthood and one’s “coming of age,” but there are numerous reasons why I don’t drive.

Photo by Paola Chaaya on Unsplash

An Open Letter To (My) Depression

Dear Depression, it’s time we had a talk, you and me.

Photo by Eduard Militaru on Unsplash

On Tidying Up And Mental Illness

There’s nothing I can let go of that ends my renewed experiences of stigma and shame surrounding mental illness.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

5 Signs Your Work Stress Is Decreasing Your Quality Of Life

We’re all susceptible to work stress. Even if you’ve got your dream gig, there will no doubt be times that you’re stressing out about work.

Photo by Niko Lienata on Unsplash

I’m A 39-Year-Old Who Wants Stuffed Animals — And I'm Not Ashamed 

I don’t typically lie to a date (or in general), but I was ashamed of my desire for wanting stuffed animals as an adult in my late thirties.
